With spring and summer approaching, the Washington Street Department reminds the public that when using a hired contractor or individual hired to trim and/or cut trees, residents must obtain a permit from the proper department of the city administration before the job begins.
All clean up and removal of limbs and debris from the site must be done by the hired contractor or hired individual not by the city.
If the contractor or hired individual does not clean up and remove debris, the landowner is responsible for removal.
When homeowners/property owners do the work and are placing limbs at the street or alley for pick-up they must be neatly stacked with cut ends facing the street or alley.
The piles should be stacked no more than 4 feet high and in lengths of no more than 4 feet.
Limbs and debris that are a tangled mess will be the property owner’s responsibility to discard or untangle for future pickup.